DeMystifying Polyfills
By now, we have realized that Javascript is everywhere, we need to build frontend we have JS, we need to build backend we have JS, we can build games, CLI, etc., I believe all this is possible because of JavaScript’s unique feature of having cross-browser compatibility issues.
However, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera all have their own proprietary features and their own subset of the standard features. Different browsers implement each feature in their own way, and this can be a major headache for web developers trying to make things work for everybody.
I need to plugin an early career days situation here where I was excited working on the amazing feature which helps the team to create forms with pre-populated data functionality, validations, using modals for better view. I had tested all the scenarios in chrome which is one of my favourite browsers due to its amazing dev tools and shipped the beta version to a set of users in a staging environment.
I was really excited about the new features and the appreciations I would be getting for the same.
Do not be attached to the fruits of your work and do not be attached to not doing your duty.

But Alas!!! I had received a different set of emails along with appreciations where they complained about a different set of issues. The collective conclusion from the mails was to observe the functionalities in many browsers instead of checking in one browser and assuming it works :P
This led me to explore more and more about Javascript and led me to share with you about my learning in POLYFILLS