Learning React in a new approach

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” — Benjamin Franklin
In this digital world, There are tons of resources for any topic. I have observed a video on Youtube on How to Drink which has attracted a million views too. Being a react enthusiast I was always looking out to learn from tutorials as I assumed it is an easy way to understand and most of the time, we get fascinated by the way they achieve the result without a single bug.
I was a great fan of those series and I used to follow the tutorials to get a better understanding. It would be all well and good to replicate the same but once you start building improvements and extra functionalities, there comes the nightmare which Developers hate to see it in their screen — THE BUGS and the ERRORS.
The most interesting things about tutorials are they never struggle during development. As everyone is focussed on achievements or end results. But we need to realize that success won’t come easily, and errors lead to more understanding of the concepts as we dwell into finding the required solution by going through documentation and stack overflow for a faster solution.
Behold, I was introduced to this workshop — “React in 2020: Getting Started with Hooks”. There are few prerequisites for this workshop which caught my attention.
· The classroom-based approach was introduced where we were asked to not code at all instead to listen to Tanay Pratap’s point of view on react and jot down the learnings.
· They suggested that the point of reference after the session for practicing is documentation instead of referring to videos
· Debugging the errors with the help of documentation and experimenting with the code.
This led the people who followed his words to be more attentive rather than focussing on just copying the code and ponder around the ways to solve the particular problems and the tasks provided us over here
It gave us a clear motive to work on a specific level like in-game and move ahead to the next level, which led us to follow the divide and conquer method and we never thought more about bandwidth to complete the project as it was set of tasks.
In my personal opinion, While creating the mini project I encountered a lot of small anti-heroes aka errors which I got to check around for the cause and solve it rather than following the code and get the solutions. This led to the understanding of a lot of concepts which may be destructuring, props, map, list, etc., with clear examples.
During the course of after workshop brainstorming, I got introduced to many bugs and errors and one of them was related to the concept of destructuring. We might be familiar with destructuring which is a javascript expression that allows extracting data from arrays, objects, maps, sets, into their own variable. But, I used to use it least as I was familiar with writing object.subobject.name, but during this course, I assumed to explore more to implement it on the same which made me realize the simplicity and scalability that can be easily attained if I had followed this particular method and that led me to follow destructuring in the future wherever possible.

I had another great learning when I was trying to figure out the importance of map and foreach when I was referring to the list topic. I would request the JS lover who has approach till here to check it out and it will be amazing to see map and foreach importance when it comes to the array.
Finally, following the first set of this workshop, I realized the importance of documentation and solving the problem on your own will clear a lot more problems than copying the code from the picture-perfect tutorials or boot camps where we can generate the end results but we won’t get to experience the struggle behind the same.
I am excited about this series as It is definitely building confidence to work on a project without referring any tutorials and relying on more documentation which will always provide us with the required code with detailed explanation.
I believe this would help someone, open to constructive feedback. I have no copyright to any image posted here 🤷♂️.Source of images are from google😅
Happy Coding :)